Month: July 2024

summer dress

dress // ankle strap heels // sunglasses // clutch (similar)

As summer continues, there is still plenty of time left to enjoy the sunshine. Enough time to soak up the sun, enjoy the outdoors, and wear classic white dresses. White dresses are, and will always be, the most sought after item of the summer season.They carry the essence of summertime. (more…)

sunday shopping

Happy Sunday! I’ve been cheering on Team USA all weekend. While watching all of these elite athletes compete, I had to wonder: what would I win a gold medal in? Well shopping of course! This week’s Sunday Shopping is winning the gold medal in summer aesthetics. (more…)

“Everything you lost will be replaced with something better”


Happy Friday! Go team USA!! Who else is ready for the Olympics?! I know I am. I feel much more patriotic right now than I did during the 4th of July. Perhaps it’s the competitive aspect of the games. All I know is that I am excited to watch my favorites compete and pretend I know the rules of fencing. If I were competing in the summer olympics I would do either gymnastics or rhythmic gymnastics. Unfortunately I can only do the splits and a cartwheel…. (more…)


I am back with the final edition of what books I read this past spring. While most of the books I usually read are lighthearted, these next 3 deal with heavier subjects. While there are still so many lighthearted moments in each, the books all showcase how depression and grief form in different ways. That we all deal with issues in different ways, and that is ok. From breakups to life-altering tragedies to infidelity, here are the last and final books of the spring. (more…)