Month: August 2024

“All that matters now is that you be good enough for yourself”


Happy Friday! If you read my previous FSS series posts, you may know that I have been going through some personal issues lately. Well I am feeling much better mentally. Being with my family, and seeing friends, really was exactly what I needed. I still have my moments, but overall I am in a better headspace. (more…)

amazon dress

dress // sandals // handbag (similar) // earrings // sunglasses

One of the biggest challenges in transitioning from summer to fall is what to wear. It’s still too warm to wear jeans and a sweater, but you no longer want to wear your summer whites. This is where a simple black dress can come into play. Something light and airy to wear to keep you cool, but the color palette fits perfectly with the season. (more…)

“If it makes you happy, soothes your soul, grows your garden, choose that”


Happy Friday! I am on my way back to New York after a few days home in Ohio. As you may remember from last week’s FSS, I was having a very bad week. I decided to go home to be with my family, recoup, take a little break from social media and the blog. Being home was exactly what I needed. I am feeling much better. (more…)


Throw the confetti, eat cake, toast champagne, it’s my birthday week! I am someone who enjoys celebrating their birthday, but also do not have to make it a big deal. My birthday is this weekend and I am ready for another trip around the sun. While I may not get a mountain of presents, one is never too old for a gift or two. My parents usually gift me one present each year. Although my birthdays are now more about being with the people I love than about getting gifts, I decided to do a little birthday wish list. Because why not! It’s fun! Here are the things that I am currently wanting and needing. (more…)