

Today is the start of New York Fashion Week, which means I will be spending the following week dressed up, running around the city. It also means I will be wearing make-up all day, everyday. It’s no secret that I have struggled with acne since I turned 21 (happy birthday! you can legally drink now but oooh wait here comes teenage acne that you never had). By the end of my 20’s my skin started to clear up, due to me cutting out gluten. Although my struggles with acne are now few and far in-between (I break out sometimes during my cycle), I still make a conscious decision on what products I put on my face. Since I am spending so much time in make-up taking photos, going to events and meetings, hanging out with friends, I want to make sure the products I use are clean and healthy. Especially during the winter time when the weather can be harsh on our skin.


holiday gift guide wellness and beauty


A gift that is always very much appreciated is beauty and wellness products. It’s nice to restock favorite items that are religiously used throughout the year. Or maybe you know someone who would love to try a charcoal mask or has been eyeing a new straightener. Personally I would love to get all of the wellness products I can my hands on— bring on the collagen! A few items I have been interested in is this gem water bottle– apparently putting crystals in your water does wonders for your body. I am also eyeing this cellulite brush, and wanting to restock my favorite foundation. Whether you are gifting a beauty obsessed loved one or simply buying yourself an item or two (I mean you were good this year!), here are a few beauty and wellness items that would make Christmas morning that much better!


As an active kid growing up the thought of protecting my skin from the sun never crossed my mind. I thought using SPF sunscreen was for sensitive skin and mine easily bronzed. The only time I would put SPF on my body is when we were down south in Mexico or one of the Islands where the sun was much more intense. But for the days I laid out by the pool, the only lotion touching my Ohio skin was tanning oil. I didn’t want protection from the sun, I wanted a tan body. During the winter seasons when you still need sun protection I never thought twice about my moisturizer having SPF. Why would I need SPF when I was mostly covered, I thought.


Today I am going to get a little vulnerable despite my insecurities and talk about something that I have been dealing with for the last few month. Something I have been hiding from the world, not wanting to leave my apartment in embarrassment and out of insecurity.  Even though I have been dealing with this issue for months it wasn’t until last week when I found out I have perioral dermatitis. Not sure what it is? Me either until I got it.  So lets start from the beginning.
