


 I guess we are really doing this, the dry patch on my chin and me. We are sticking with each other until summer apparently. Just me and my dry spot…. strolling down the avenue (Judy Garland.. no?). Anyway, I am basically bathing in Vaseline and any moisturizer I can get my hands on right now, and avoiding life.  When someone walks by and they slightly glance my way I scream “IT’S A DRY SPOT BUDDY”. This only happens if I decide to actually leave the house and forget to wrap my face with a scarf.  Clearly I am not being dramatic about it at all……




If you have been following my social media posts over the past month then you would know that I have been participating in the Olay 28 Day Challenge (#Olay28day). I am at the end of the challenge and wanted to give you all of the details on what products I used and how I have seen some positive changes with my skin. For the past 28 days I have been using Olay Total Effects Moisturizer with SPF 15 and Olay Eyes Deep Hydrating Eye Gel every morning and night. I loved using the products and am happy to see how easy it was to incorporate them into my routine.

Since I already had a daily routine of applying moisturizer and eye cream morning and night, it was easy for me to swap out the products for Olay. Before starting the Olay 28 Day Challenge, I will tell you at first I was a little skeptical. I always am with trying new products; Will this make me breakout? Will I see any improvements/changes with my skin? Will my skin feel too dry or oily?




The first week: 

With the Olay Total Effects Moisturizer with SPF 15, I was happy to find that it did not make my skin feel oily or dry, and it stayed moisturized throughout the day. Usually I will have to reapply my moisturizer sometime in the afternoon, especially during this time of the year. It was nice to know that with only one pump in the morning my skin will feel moisturized throughout the day. The best part of using the Olay Total Effects Moisturizer with SPF 15 is that it did not make my skin break out. That is always a concern of mine when starting a new product.

The Olay Eyes Deep Hydrating Eye Gel I instantly fell in love with. The gel feels great on my skin and I started to see an improvement around my eyes– hello bags under my eyes. I have been looking a little tired lately, especially before the #Olay28Day challenge, and within the first week I started to see the skin around my eyes looking more hydrated and healthy.

Half-way through the challenge: 

When choosing a moisturizer, I always make sure to pick a product with SPF. It is very important to me to have a skincare product with SPF to protect my face from getting sunspots and wrinkles. It is always good to start being proactive with your skin and taking care of it as you age. The Olay Total Effects Moisturizer has SPF 15 with anti-aging nutrients like vitamin C and E. It also provides 7 different benefits: smooths and refines pores, replenishes moisture, enhances brightness, targets age spots, restores firmness, and evens skin tone. By the mid-way mark of the challenge I started to see my skin-tone even out.

The Olay Eyes Deep Hydrating Eye Gel was doing wonders for my eyes, and it feels so refreshing. The gel, filled with cucumber extract and vitamin B5,  is a cool hydrating treatment that plumps up your skin (which you can actually feel!).

Final thoughts: 

I am pleased with my results and am happy that  I did the challenge. Taking care of my skin, especially my face, is and will always be a high priority. My skin now feels amazing and looks healthy and nourished. I still have some left over, which I am so happy about because I can continue to use the products in my daily routine even after the challenge.

Both the Olay Eyes Deep Hydrating Eye Gel and Olay Total Effects Moisturizer with SPF 15 can be found in-stores nationwide and can be purchased online. If you are wondering if and what products are right for you, you can visit the Olay Skin Advisor. An easy and efficient way to make a decision on what regime works best for you. All you have to do is take a picture of yourself (with no makeup on), then describe your skin concerns. They will give you  recommendations on what products specifically work best for your skin. It is that easy! The first 15 people can use coupon code: 28DAYS6781 to receive $40 off your purchase at!! Take advantage of the discount, use the Olay Skin Advisor and start the challenge today!

Thank you to Olay for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.





You make me feel so young…..

Want to know the secret of looking and feeling younger? The answer is collagen. Learn it, live it, become obsessed with it. Collagen is your new best friend. Every day I make myself a smoothie where I add a scoop of collagen peptide (this is my favorite brand). If I am looking a little bit more ragged than normal, I add a pinch more for good luck. Living in such a polluted, stressful city I need all of the help I can get to stay youthful. It is true that New York ages you quicker. Excuse me while I whimper at this thought….
