

As a book lover, I am constantly devouring through literary story after literary story.  Diving into one adventure after another, escaping reality with a love story or a classic tale. Reading through chapters, learning about my favorite celebrities, or a historical moment. With this thirst to explore the art of words comes a collection of books gathering dust.



dress // headband // earrings // book

Since I was home in Ohio for all of the spring season, I did not read as much as I would have done if I were here isolated in NYC. Still, I read some really great books that I highly recommend you putting on your summer reading list. Most of the books I read were about friendship and romance. Books that you can relate to the characters, but maybe not the storyline. Here is part one of the books I read this past spring.


coffee table books

One of the most timeless decor trends is creatively curated coffee table books. Whether placed on a table or shelf, hardcover books filled with beautiful imagery is a popularized decor item. Over the years I have collected a few coffee table books that I proudly display on the shelves of my TV console and side table. A trendy way to display coffee table books is to organize them around a centerpiece object on the table. Living in a small studio apartment I have a much more minimalistic style than I would in a house. Therefore I prefer to not have a cluster of books on my one and only table, but would do so if I had a living room to decorate. I do, however, find having books placed inch by inch on a table to be an attractive form of decor. Nevertheless, until the day I have my own house, I will continue to collect coffee table books and place them on the shelves of my TV console.



cardigan c/o // jeans (similar) // slippers c/o

A silver lining of this period of self-quarantine is that there is extra time for us to read. Every day I am opening up my book and reading for hours. This also means that I am constantly looking for book recommendations. I do have a list of books to read, but I am always up for hearing suggestions. This past winter I didn’t read as much as I would have liked to. There were a few books I couldn’t put down and one I had trouble getting through. I am grateful that I now have the time to devour through page after page. If you are looking for a new book to read, here is what I read this past winter plus a review.
