

It seems weird to be talking about the fall, but in reality, the season was only a month ago. The fall is one of the busiest times for blogging, so reading was put on the back burner of work, events, etc. I read much more during the lazy days of summer. But I did, however, read some books this past fall that have now become my favorite. Just like the summer book recap, I am going to give you a synopsis of the book then an honest review- so if you have not read the book yet, skip over the review.



jumpsuit // slippers c/o

A few weeks ago I shared my first post on what books I read during the summer. This past summer I really dialed down and read as many books as I possibly could. I am still trying to keep up with reading but life has been pretty busy and haven’t had as much time as I would like to sit down and read. I finally finished this book and LOVED it. I will be giving my honest review about it soon. Until then, here is part 2 of my summer book reviews.



Before summer began I made a promise to myself that I would start reading every night before I go to bed. I enjoy pleasure reading and always have a book on my side table for me to read. Unfortunately I was not always reaching for the book instead opting for Netflix or my phone. It would take me a month or so to finish one book, even though I could have read it within a week or two. So in the beginning of summer I made a vow to myself to read as many books as I possibly had the time for. Since everyone, including myself, is always looking for book recommendations I thought I share what I read this past summer; the synopsis and my honest review of the book. If you haven’t read the book, do not read the review as it contains many spoilers. If you have read the book, look at this like a mini book club. I am always looking to discuss the books I read and am curious as to how liked or disliked the story. SO please let me know in the comment section your thought on each book!


Summer is the season to lay out by the pool and read. I have been complaining lately that I have not been reading as much as I would like to. Well ’tis the season to really crack down and make time for such pleasures. At night I make sure to read for half hour to an hour before bed. The afternoon’s of Sunday’s are cleared out so I can devour my book whether I am in the park, laying out under the sun or sitting on my bed.  Two books I have recently finished and highly recommend are Where The Crawdads Sing and Normal People. I throughly enjoyed both and could not put either one of them down. Now that I am finished with both books, I have new ones on my reading list.
