
Is there anything better than to sit outside on a summer day and read a book? Whether you are indulging in a juicy love story, hooked on a mystery, or taking pleasure in a YA book, summer is the time for pleasure reading. As always I have a list of books that I want to read. And of course, as always, I am way behind on my reading list. I really do envy those who read 2 to 3 books a week. I’m lucky if I get through one book a month with my schedule. I am also in awe of those who can easily read a few books at once. I am definitely a one book at a time kind fo gal. Anyway, I have a few that I am looking into reading this summer and feel you may wan to check them out as well.



A new year comes with new books to read! Last year I shamefully did not read as much as I would of have liked to. So far this year I am doing pretty well… all 10 days in. I finished Still Me  that I have been reading since November and started Crazy Rich Asians. This year I want to try and read a new book or two each month. Spend time reading instead of watching another episode of Friends. Ok, so I watch Friends everyday— how can I not, it’s the best show ever! Anyway, I throughly enjoy reading, getting lost in a good book. Here are 3 (technically 5) books that are on my reading list.


Last year I was terrible at pleasure reading. At the end of the year when I realized the lack of books I read, I was a little upset with myself. I love to read; dive deep into a really great book that you just can’t put down. I missed that. Yes I read a few books, but not as much as I would of have liked. This year I want to get back into the routine of reading book after book. I just finished Sister’s First by the Bush twins. I absolutely loved it! It was interesting to learn about their life throughout both their fathers and grandfather’s term as President, as well as their close bond as twins. It was hilarious and fascinating. I loved it!

There are a few books I have on my reading list. Most of the genres I gravitate towards are YA and self-help. Sometimes I’ll pick an autobiography, historical, or mystery, but usually it’s the former. Here are a few on my current list.


This past year I have neglected pleasure reading. So sad, I know! I am usually one who loves to pleasure read and will read book after book. For some reason this year I really dropped the ball. I have been reading the same book Power Your Happy for way too long– the book is good, I just have not made myself sit down to finish it. Now that the weather is getting colder and my desire to be outside will dwindle, I want to get back into reading. These are the 4 books I currently have on my radar to read next.
