

sneakers c/o

Ever since the pandemic started I have taken pleasure in simply walking around the city. Whether it’s for 30 mins on the weekdays or 2 hours on the weekends, I aimlessly walk. It’s been my saving grace, my moment of clarity during times of uncertainty. The calming fresh air renews me, brightens my spirits. The beauty of living in New York is that there are endless places to go to. It doesn’t matter if I head North or South, East or West, I am sure to find something interesting along the way.


fall pieces

Fall is quickly approaching and I am starting to shop for transitional pieces. Items that I can wear during the warmer fall days into the crisp evenings. Since we will still be quarantined, I want to buy transitional fall pieces that are comfortable yet can be worn around town. I love a good romper or a dress you can throw on for a day to night look. Light sweaters that can be thrown over any outfit when you are cold or simply paired with a flowy skirt. And accessories to elevate your casual outfit of the day. Here are a few must-have transitional fall pieces I have on my radar.


work from home dress


We have spent the better part of 2020 indoors away from our offices, friends, family, and general life pleasures. We went through the sweatpants phase, the housedress phase, the athleisurewear phase, and then the throw on whatever you find on the floor who cares what I look like phase. As someone whose job primarily consists of working from home pre-pandemic, I am seasoned in the art of work from home attire. And I will say the above phases always go on rotation. Right now I am in the housedress phase. The phase where you want to look normal, civilized, cute. A dress you can work from home in comfortably but wouldn’t be embarrassed wearing to run errands or grab lunch with a friend in. As we approach upon the early stages of the fall season I am looking to add a few work from home dresses to my wardrobe that will suffice the transitional weather. Here are a few dresses I currently have my eye on.



dress // shoes // handbag // headband // earrings // sunglasses

The pandemic has changed many things in our lives. We are completely digital; working from home, spending time with friends and family through Zoom calls. We have spent more time watching television than hugging our loved ones. We don’t know what the future may hold, where it may take us. Some are leaving the city to move to the suburbs. Some are completely changing their careers as their jobs are currently nonexistent. And some of us are adjusting to isolation, finding the stillness of being alone. A lot has changed in just a few short months, we must make do with what we have, adjust the way we live, and find the blessing in everyday life.
