
gifts for her


Whether we are buying for our mother, sister, friend, or girlfriend, it’s always hard to find the perfect gift to tell them how much they mean to you. As women, we know what we want and what we need. Even though we can always go out and buy ourselves a new handbag or our favorite perfume, we still enjoy receiving presents from those we love. I’ve gathered some great gift ideas to give to all the women in your life that you cherish.



top // skirt // nude heels // clutch // sunglasses

There is no better place on earth to be during the holiday season than New York. The city knows how to do the holidays right. From Central Park to Battery Park the city turns into a magical place. Every corner you turn there is a display of lights, wreaths, and beautiful Christmas trees. It makes even the Scroogiest of people have a little jingle to their walk. There is so much to do here in the city during the holidays, but I have rounded up the top 5 must-see and do here in New York City.


j.crew gold skirt

turtleneck c/o // gold skirt // nude heels // clutch // earrings c/o // sunglasses

With Christmas only being two weeks away, it is time to start planning our outfit for this special holiday. My family dresses up more on Christmas Eve than we do Christmas Day. Not to say we dress down, but fancy attire is not required.  We save the festive outfits for church and the annual Christmas Eve party we attend that my parent’s neighbors host. It’s a wonderful evening and may just be my favorite day of the year. For Christmas Eve this year, I am planning on wearing this gold skirt and this cream-colored turtleneck.



sweater c/o // white pants c/o // pink booties // coat (similar) // circle bag // sunglasses

It’s wintertime, we are cold, and the last thing we want to do is think about what we are wearing or try to look cute in zero degree weather. During the colder season I tend to stay comfortable with my outfits by wearing all black. It fits my mood of not wanting to go outside, it fits the weather, it’s me being lazy, and it’s ’tis the season. Now I am trying to push myself to still wear color. Of course my daily attire consists of black faux leather leggings and an oversized sweater, but there are times, whether it’s events, meetings, or going to see a performance, that wearing all black feels boring to me. If you are looking to wear color this season, whether to work or play, these white wool stretch pants and this blue sweater is the perfect winter combination. (more…)