We have been friends for a few years now so I feel comfortable turning to you for advice. I have a question that has been burning in my mind, keeping me up at night….. can I pull off a beret? Now it is better than ever for me to sport the Parisian look as I have been gravitating towards hats lately. Maybe it is my laziness to do my hair or my old age that I just don’t care if I look good in them or not, hats are my new thing. Berets have been dubbed the it hat of the season, so I must follow suit and get one. I have always found berets to be trés chic and have been itching to wear one for years but could never find the courage to (i.e. I don’t look good in hats; big head, thin hair). I am, more than ever, determined to frolic around the city in a beret!
My only problem now is that I can’t decide which color to get. Should I go safe and get a black one? I do wear a lot of black in the winter and don’t want to look like I am doing choreography, or worse, wearing a robber’s costume. A color one like red, green or blue would be nice, but would I wear it as much? I have thought of getting a cream colored one which would go nicely with everything. Maybe I’ll play it safe and get a creamed color one for my first beret, then play around with a blue or red one.
Are you a fan of berets, and if so, what color would you buy/wear?!