
Happy Sunday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine has been pretty relaxing. I baked gluten free pumpkin bread, so I am one happy camper. This week’s Sunday Shopping top 10 is all about fall attire with a splash of holiday fun. (more…)

J.Crew Dress

shirtdress // bubble clutch //  gold bracelet // gold hoop earrings // nude pumps (similar) // sunglasses 

One of my favorite things to do is to discuss books with fellow literary lovers. Everyday I set a time to read whatever current book I have on hand; devouring the plot line, moved by the characters. However, the only resource I had to discuss these books were in the comment section of #BookTox. I tried to find a book club to join, but came up short. That is until I discovered Guest of a Guest book club. Now I have a monthly book club I can go to to not only discuss the book of the month, but to also get dressed up for a cocktail party. (more…)

Happy Sunday! From the season to my home decor, there are a lot of changes happening. This week’s top 10 is a mixture of fall styles, holiday attire, and home decor. (more…)