

jacket // running shoes // muscle tank // leggings

Now that I am fully back to my regular schedule of working out after a month of knee inflammation and having a terrible cold. I wanted to share with you some of my current favorite workouts I am religiously doing these days. Today I wanted to dedicate this entire post to my Bandier girls, Amanda, Megan, and Lauren. And my favorite duo, Sarah and Natalie. They are fun, fit, full of energy, and give one butt-kicking of a workout.



Nike windrunner jacket // APL sneakers // leggings // muscle tank 

If this past month has taught me anything, it is the importance of taking care of myself. Although the majority of my adult life has been centered around self care, I am just now learning to listen to my body. Whether it’s to ease up on my work outs or eat more meat, I am trying to listen to my body’s needs. I eat healthy and am very active, I thought this was enough to stay healthy but I was wrong. Sometimes working out too much is unhealthy for my body or maybe I am not giving it the right nutrients even though I eat vegetables and fruit all day. Really listening to our bodies and it’s needs is the key to a healthy life.




Many of us set a new year’s resolution or goal based around fitness and health. These goals maybe to loose weight, eat healthier, hit a milestone, or to stay in shape. For me working out and eating healthy is a lifestyle, something I enjoy doing. That is the key to keeping your resolution/goal, find something you enjoy doing. Now more than ever we have the opportunity to try a variety of studios making it easier for us to find something we love to do.




Last night I attended the Wellness Meet Up NYC’s talk with Amanda Kloots. I have been fan-girling Amanda for a while now, so when I heard about this meet and greet from my friend Katie, from Honestly Kate, I jumped at the chance to hear from my favorite fitness guru. Amanda is a former Rockette and Broadway performer, now she owns her own fitness company called The Rope. Oh, and I should mention Amanda is also a fellow Ohioan! Anyway, Amanda teaches The Rope at Studio B, owned by Bandier, and also teaches privates– sign me up! What is The Rope? You guessed it, an entire workout dedicated to jump roping and using the rope as a tool for strength and flexibility. I have yet to grace this fitness class, but do want to try it soon.
