
butchers daughter

When it comes to health and wellness I am up for trying anything, at least once. From being a vegetarian to the Keto diet, I am still trying to figure out what works best for my body. As we get older our body changes. My food lifestyle, as I like to call it, needs to continuously evolve with the changes of my body. Unfortunately I have the type of body that can easily gain weight. I’ve never been one who can eat an entire pantry of food and not gain a pound. With this I know that I have to maintain a regular schedule of exercise and to eat a healthy diet. For the past year I have been indulging more than I have been eating clean, and it has really shown in how I feel and look. I know beautiful is not a number. I still wear a size 2 and I am sure most of my weight is muscle, but  two weeks ago when I went to the doctor for check up, I was shocked to see that I had gained weight since my last visit back in January. I was shocked because I was doing Intermittent Fasting for the past month and a half.


Last night I scrolled upon The Skimm’s Instagram post of a text message. The post said this: “I want to be with someone who can cook… looks fade, hunger doesn’t.” I gave a good HA when I read it because it’s so true. I would love to be with someone who enjoys cooking so we can make meals together. What fun! I have noticed that the older I get the more I enjoy cooking and baking. I try to cook 5 days a week and then either order- in food or go out to dinner on the weekends. My get togethers and holiday parties with friends have been centered around everyone cooking or baking a dish. This I have been really enjoying my time in the kitchen, trying new recipes I find on Pinterest and hoping for the best. Because so many of my friends, and I am sure yours as well, are cooking up a storm lately, gift them something the foodie connoisseur in them will love.




This week marks the end of my month long Keto diet trial run. Time flew by and I can’t believe I am almost finished.  I am ending the month with both positive and negative thoughts on Keto. I find Keto to not be a sustainable lifestyle. Having only 25 grams of carbs was a lot harder than I initially thought. An apple alone is 25 grams. It was challenging and there were plenty of days I went over the amount. As the month went on I stopped counting carbs and stuck to low carb items like meats and veggies and called it a day.
