
Over the weekend I moved into my new room! My roommate moved out to be closer to her boyfriend and I moved into her room, which is slightly bigger than mine. My dad flew in from Ohio to help me move my furniture as I did not want to hire someone for a simple job but also could not do it myself. It only took us almost two hours to move everything over. The room is starting to look put together but I do need a few finishing touches. One of the items that I am looking to add to my room is a nightstand. I’ve been looking at side tables as well to act as a bedside table. I know I want it to be white and have been gravitating towards ones with gold accents. Right now I am thinking of getting  this one, but still want to look around before I buy. These are my top 10 choices so far!


home decor


Surprise! I am moving……. across the living room. My roommate is moving out and I am taking over her room which is slightly bigger. Unfortunately this does not mean I get to buy new furniture but it does have me dreaming of what I would buy if I had the space.


home decor


As I sit in my tiny apartment hiding from the crazy New York City streets, I can only think about the part in Cinderella (the TV movie version from the 60’s not the cartoon) when she sings In My Own Little Corner. Unfortunately it is true– my teeny tiny room is in a corner. Oh how I long for more space and a chance to fully decorate an entire house. Right now my room looks like a stuffed turkey where even a new candle would be too much to add to it. Until the time comes when I will once again know what space feels like, I will dream of decorating my imaginary house.
