


Many of us set a new year’s resolution or goal based around fitness and health. These goals maybe to loose weight, eat healthier, hit a milestone, or to stay in shape. For me working out and eating healthy is a lifestyle, something I enjoy doing. That is the key to keeping your resolution/goal, find something you enjoy doing. Now more than ever we have the opportunity to try a variety of studios making it easier for us to find something we love to do.


ralph lauren

Happy 2018!! I am going into the new year with high hopes filled with happiness and love. This past year was wonderful! I grew in my career while hitting major goals of mine. I met a lot of amazing people who some I now call my best friends. I traveled, tried new things, took risks, and had a lot of personal growth. I believe 2017 was a year of shedding off another layer of skin to becoming who I am meant to be while cutting ties with the past and people who are toxic to me. I am walking into this new year with a lot more confidence, control, happiness, and love. I have a feeling 2018 is going to bring me a major life change– a good one, and that I am very much ready for!


“Don’t waste moments thinking about the past.

Move on, the best is yet to come”

Happy Friday and happy almost New Year!! I took a much needed break this past week from blogging to be able to spend time with my family and to also have the chance for me to recharge before the new year. I spent Christmas in Columbus, Ohio with my family and had the most wonderful time. I love spending time with my family, they mean everything to me. What really made this holiday so special was that it was my niece’s first Christmas. My niece and I are the best of buds. We took many walks around the house holding hands while exploring everything in sight. Sometimes we made pit stops to pick up a toy or a piece of my mother’s nativity display. We have a new inside joke and make each other laugh by pursing our lips with our pointer finger horizontal moving up and down to make noises. Pro tip: It is funnier if you stick out your tongue.


“Maybe God closed that door because he knew you were worth so much more”

Happy Friday and Merry Christmas!!! I am home in Columbus with my family for the holiday. To say that I am excited about Christmas would be an understatement! This will be my niece’s first Christmas and I can’t wait to watch her experience Santa for the first time. There is going to be cuteness overload!!
