
gifts for men


Men, what the holly do we get them? I could easily give you a 4 page essay on what I want Santa to leave under the tree.  For guys I feel it’s a shrug and an I don’t know when asked the question. Maybe I feel this way because my dad usually never knows and ends up asking for the standard shirts and ties (or my mom tells him what he wants). For outside family gifts like Secret Santa at work he always ask for gift certificates. A simple man my dad is. Sometimes, however, he will get a little bit more specific and ask for some sport’s equipment or a new book. My brother-in-law is a little easier to shop for. He is outdoorsy so a Yeti cooler or a new pair of  Barbour gloves are the perfect gifts to get him. Still there is always the consistent what do you want question asked before you finally pry it out of them.


“The first step to getting what you want is having the courage to get rid of what you don’t.”

Happy Friday and happy first day of December! You know what this means…… Star Wars comes out in 15 days! I know you are all as excited as I am!! Anyway, I am back in New York City after a wonderful 2 weeks in Georgia and Ohio. I had the BEST time with my family and friends. It made leaving a little harder than usual, but I am happy to be back in the city and back to my normal routine.


cyber monday

Another day, another amazing sale that you just can’t pass up! One of my favorite days of the year– Cyber Monday is finally here! This is the best time to purchase Christmas gifts or a winter coat for yourself (along with a handbag or two….). I have gathered all of my favorite retailers and brands to make shopping easier and more efficient for you! Happy shopping!


“Be a reflection of what you’d like to receive. if you want love, give love. If you want truth, be truthful.

If you want respect, give respect. What you give out will always return.”


Happy Friday! Hope you all had a wonderful and delicious Thanksgiving!! I am still so stuffed, but it was worth it. My Thanksgiving was pretty lovely. My grandmother always spends the night the day before so she isn’t alone in the morning of Thanksgiving. Wednesday night we watched The Glenn Miller Story. My grandmother was in her 20’s in the 1940’s, and the movie was bringing back a lot of memories for her. After the movie I bombarded her with questions of life back then. It is hard to imagine my grandmother my age, but I love hearing about her life. I really cherish every moment with her as she is 95, but in perfect health!  I feel very fortunate to still have her in my life.

I will say one thing…. this bed and breakfast (known as my parents house) treats her better than me. I have to get my own food, pour my own glass, clean up after myself, and have orders barked at me. Meanwhile my grandmother gets to sit on the couch with her legs up on the ottoman and relax. Yelp will be hearing about this.
