
gifts for the hostess


The holidays are here and the party invites are starting to roll in. I love nothing more than a festive celebration. There is nothing quite like a holiday party, that is for sure! Since this is the season of giving, when attending a party it is nice to gift the host. A way of saying thank you for hosting and inviting me to your holly jolly soirée. Usually I like to give a bottle of champagne, which you can never do wrong with, but sometimes it is nice to put a little bit more thought into the gift.


“give yourself permission to live a big life. Step into who you are meant to be.

Stop playing small. You’re meant for greater things.”


Happy Friday! I am SO happy it is the weekend.. my brain is fried. Mumble jumble in a blender fried. I am slowly setting into vacation mode but am running around like a headless chicken trying to get things done before I leave. Tuesday I am flying home to Ohio for the night, then my mom and I are taking a road trip down to Georgia to visit my sister, brother-in-law, and niece for a few days. After Georgia I will be spending a long week at home for Thanksgiving. I am excited to have two weeks of “vacation” from New York and to celebrate Thanksgiving at home with my family.


holiday decor


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas……

 Time to start putting out your festive holiday decor!  I know Thanksgiving is next week and you probably have your T-Day decor out, but it does not hurt to start buying new Christmas decorations. Christmas is my favorite holiday and I can’t wait to start seeing all of the decorations out in store fronts, lights on the trees, holiday music playing everywhere….. it is truly the best time of the year!




Last night I attended the Wellness Meet Up NYC’s talk with Amanda Kloots. I have been fan-girling Amanda for a while now, so when I heard about this meet and greet from my friend Katie, from Honestly Kate, I jumped at the chance to hear from my favorite fitness guru. Amanda is a former Rockette and Broadway performer, now she owns her own fitness company called The Rope. Oh, and I should mention Amanda is also a fellow Ohioan! Anyway, Amanda teaches The Rope at Studio B, owned by Bandier, and also teaches privates– sign me up! What is The Rope? You guessed it, an entire workout dedicated to jump roping and using the rope as a tool for strength and flexibility. I have yet to grace this fitness class, but do want to try it soon.
