
gold skirt


There is something missing in your life, that something is seeing more of me and my outfits. I know you are excited to know more……but first lets start with what the hey hey is LIKEtoKNOW.it. LTK is part of RewardStyle, the affiliated program I use to get and create codes for my outfits that will then make them shoppable for you. LTK is the little code you see at the end of each of my outfit posts on Instagram (i.e. http://liketk.it/2t04H #liketkit @liketoknow.it ). When you like a picture with the code in the caption an email is sent straight to your inbox (after you have signed up to receive emails, sign up here) with details on where to shop my outfit. Seems pretty cool huh?! Well now there is a more seamless way to view your LTK Insta likes.


” All things are possible, especially if you keep your faith bigger than your fear”

Jamie Kern Lima of IT Cosmetics

Happy Friday!! This week was a rollercoaster. Over the weekend I went to New Jersey with my entire family (minus a few). We were there to watch the Ohio State University football game vs. Rutgers. We had the best weekend laughing, cheering on the Bucks, and being together. When I went home on Sunday I started to feel homesick and a little sad. I am very close to my family and sometimes it is hard to not see them everyday. Then Monday came around and it was awful. We all know it just plain sucked. With Vegas, Tom Petty, and some personal issues like my website crashing, by the end of Monday I was over it all.


“embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won’t have a title until much later.”


Happy Friday!!! This past week I made a list and I checked it off. I wanted to get all of the stuff that I have been putting on the back burning done and over with. I did a major clean out of my room, took clothes to Goodwill and put others up on Poshmark. It felt so good getting rid of some stuff (making room for more). I also wrote overdue thank you notes, took my purse to the cobbler to get cleaned, and started to work on my Shop categories (coming soon to the blog!). It was a pretty productive week. I feel accomplished.


“let go of what you think should happen and open yourself up to the vast rich world of possibility”


Happy Friday!! New York Fashion Week is officially over and I am ready for some necessary R&R. What I saw during fashion week was a wonderful foreshadowing of what is to come next spring. It’s hard to think of warm weather clothing when the temps are starting to drop, but that is fashsun for ya. Although I typically get exited for my favorite brands to present their collection (Carolina Herrera, Lela Rose, Kate Spade, etc.), there are two brands that really left an impression on me: Brock Collection and Ulla Johnson. Both I have heard of before, but their runway show was so feminine and beautiful. Will be keeping an eye on them from now on!
