
performance crop top, windbreaker, salutation high rise leggings, Nike running shoes

If you read this past Friday’s Simply Smitten then you would know that I have finished the Body Conception’s fitness challenge. Now that is it over I am have major withdrawals. I was working out 5-6 days a week, sometimes twice a day. My body was getting used to the rigorous schedule. I do think it is good to take a break and try other workouts, but I want to get back to the high intensity workouts.




One of the many things that keeps me motivated to blog is that I know this is a place of positivity. I am talking about things, places and people who excite me, that I am passionate about. But with that being said I also started this blog to connect with people—as if we are best friends. And sometimes life isn’t always floral dresses, pink houses, and brunch photos with friends. I have bad days. Days that I cry, have panic attacks, feel sad or angry. Days that I do not feel like doing anything except watching TV.


“I didn’t come this far, to only come this far”

Happy Friday! I took some time off this week to spend every moment with my family. Last weekend I went home to Columbus to visit my family, celebrate my sister’s birthday, and to see my baby niece. I did not want to miss a thing, so I was off (ish) of my computer and social media. I had a great time at home and my niece is the cutest little thing! She is the happiest baby, I love her so much!

I love spending time with my family and I really wish I could have stayed a little longer. I miss them already!
