

It has been a while since I have done an Instagram roundup. Ever since the algorithm change I have heard from some of you that my post may not always show up in your feed. While this is a HUGE bummer and completely frustrating, hopefully you take the time to search Blush and Blooms for the latest Insta pic. Incase you have not here are a few posts from the past few months!



My niece is FINALLY here! She was born last Friday evening. I am already so in love with the little angel and I have yet to meet her. From all the pictures my mom and sister send me, and the times I have face-timed her, I can see just how beautiful she is with her already full head of hair and feminine features.


“be a reflection of what you’d like to receive. If you want love, give love.

If you want truth, be truthful. What you give out will always return…”

Happy Friday! After last weekends snowmageddon it feels amazing that the temperatures have been in the 50s this past week. Hello no heavy jacket! Of course this is short lived, but one can enjoy the moment while it last. The snowstorm was fun… but I am good with not having another one.
