
Just in time for summer, the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale has started! There are so many great pieces, from summer dresses to comfy espadrilles to fancy earrings. I have rounded up some of my must have items from the sale. Hurry because items will go out of stock fast! The sale ends June 3rd.

Happy shopping!




cotton robe // mug // nail polish

When it comes to the age old question “are you a morning person or a night person?” the answer for me is always ” neither, I am an afternoon person.” I say this because I love to sleep. I have never been one to pull an all nighter, my bedtime, even in college, is 10pm. If I do not set my alarm I sleep in until 9:30am. I also say this because I go through waves with both night and day. But if I honestly had to choose I would say I am a morning person. I really get upset, especially the older I get, when I sleep in. I feel like I miss out on the day and do not accomplish as much as I could. I also love watching the TODAY Show, so I hate missing a chance to stare at Willie Geist. But all jokes aside, I have become more of a morning person. Some days are still a struggle for me and I have to basically pull myself out. I do not have an internal clock that will wake me up every morning at 7am. I have to make myself become a morning person. Through the years I have picked up some tips and tricks to make myself an early bird. I thought I’d share some with you to help you rise and shine.


Yesterday I spent the morning at System Of Strength’s Outdoor Workout Class For A Cause Event. There were 5 different workout stations that lasted 30 mins long. Afterwards we all went to a local pizzeria and enjoyed some much deserved food and adult beverages. The whole day was a lot of fun! I wish we could do it once a month!

It was great to be outside in the sun, enjoying the day with family and friends. It was worth the wicked farmers tan that I am now proudly sporting just in time for summer. Yeeeeah, it looks like I am going to have to spend some quality time in the sun this week/weekend to get rid of my tank top line. Which got me thinking— does this mean I deserve a new swimsuit to make up for starting the summer off with a wacky tan line? Yes, yes it does!
