
For as long as I can remember I have always been one who enjoys pleasure reading. Whether it is a biography, fiction, or self help, from classic to teenage genres, reading has always been important in my life. Most of my favorite books are stories about love and friendships that endure heartbreak and then find happiness again. Books that will soon be turned into movies. Stories that will make me so engulfed, I start to believe I am part of the adventure. Then there are books that I find meaning in. Mostly found in self help books. I love a good self help book. There is always something we can learn about ourselves, something that will make us a better person, even if the book isn’t directly related to our lives. I have read a fair share of these types of books and three of them have completely changed my life, knocked me off my path, woke me up, slapped me over the head and said “Maggie you idiot!”. These books are the books I think about the most, when I am happy, and  when I am having a rough time in life. I try to remember their meaning and what I learned.



shorts c/o // shirt c/o // scarf // shoes // sunglasses c/0  // bag c/0


The other day my mom and I went to Oakland Nurseries to pick out fresh flowers for her garden. I love nothing more than buying flowers, so I am more than happy to tag along with her! With rows and rows of flowers, this place was like heaven to me. She ended up buying yellow pansies, which looks so pretty in her garden!



Shop the look:

mule heels // necklace // full skirt // dress

clutch // high-waisted shorts // broderie top // romper // shirt dress 

For me wearing white starts on the first day of spring. Waiting until Memorial Day is no longer a rule,  at least in my book. To give you a little background history the rule started in the 1930’s when the rich would wear only white from Memorial Day to Labor Day to distinguish themselves from the working class. It gave a clean look of leisure. Well our fashion has most certainly evolved over the years, and wearing white only at a certain time is a rule that no longer applies.
