
“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen”

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Happy Friday and happy Halloween! Are you doing anything spooky fun to celebrate? I am not much of a Halloween person. I do not mind it, just not my favorite holiday. Less Friday The 13th and more of a Practical Magic/ Hocus Pocus type Halloween gal. I haven’t dressed up in a few years. If I were to dress up this year I would probably be either Barbie or Taylor Swift. I kind of like the idea of walking around town saying “Hi Barbie” to others. (more…)

“The best way to know life is to love many things”

-Vincent Van Gogh

Happy Friday! Well it’s raining again. It’s the 7th weekend in a row that it has rained. While I do not mind a rainy weekend here and there, 7 weekends is a little excessive. All I want to do is to stroll around the city looking at Halloween decorations. (more…)

“Caring deeply will always be the right thing”

-Anne Shirley Cuthbert

Happy Friday! It has been a grim week for everyone. I have made my thoughts and feelings clear on Instagram stories, but I would like to reiterate them here. I stand for peace and humanity for both Israel and Palestine. I stand with my Jewish friends who are frighten and grieving while acknowledging the oppression of the people of Palestine. I will be the first to admit I am not fully knowledgable in this deep-rooted conflict that has been going on for centuries. Truthfully I feel it’s not my place to give a political opinion. I will only be vocal on peace and condemning violence and hate. To stand for the innocent civilians who are the ones to truly suffer. Grieving for the loss of children, women, elderly, and innocent men. It’s heartbreaking and it must end. We must all find a way to live in peace, harmony, and with love. (more…)

“She reads books as one would breathe air, to full up and live.”

-Annie Dillard

Happy Friday! The sun came out… for a few days… I was able to get out and about and enjoy the warm weather with long walks. After what seemed like 2 weeks of constant rain, it was lovely to have some sunshine. (more…)