


tank // sports bra // pullover // towel // gym bag // water bottle // leggings // fitbit // hoodie  headphones // athletic shoes // yoga mat


New year, new you, new resolutions! When a new year begins we all set an intention of what we want to accomplish or experience. For most, this intention is to become healthier. I am a firm believer in taking care of yourself through exercise, healthy eating, and living in a happy state of mind. This year my resolution is to add pilates to my workout routine and to get back to a paleo/clean-eating lifestyle.To jump-start my resolution on the right note, a guarantee that I will not fail, I started a 2 week clean eating cleanse today….. I apologize in advance if my posts are a little harsh, know it is only because I am hangry….


“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness.

I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and

don’t forget to make some art— write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can.

And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”

–Neil Gaiman

Happy New Year lovelies!!! I am excited to start a new year with new beginnings and experiences! I have a feeling 2016 is going to be a good year, one for the books!

The past two weeks has been filled with a lot of great friends/family, good wine, yummy food,  and lots of love and laughter! (I also saw Star Wars and LOVED IT!!! So good! ) I love the holidays for how much excitement and happiness it brings. Last night I rang in the new year with my cousin and a few friends. We had a blast, as you probably could tell from my snapchats (insert monkey covering eyes emoji). I wore this top and loved it—can’t wait to wear it again!




2016…. my goodness, how did we get here! Seems like we should be riding around the planet like The Jetsons… someone at NASA or Apple needs to get on this.

Normally I do not make a new years resolution—become more financially responsible, stop biting my nails, stop picking on my sister, these things are impossible to do and always end in failure. Instead of making a resolution each year, I write down goals and things I would like to experience and accomplish. I have talked about my bucket list in this past post here, which is a small, small, portion of my real bucket list. There are somethings that I have crossed off and things I have added. While going through 2015 I thought it was pretty mundane as there were certain things I wanted to have happen and they did not– I have been wanting to move back to New York since last December. So I felt like 2015 was about me waiting for something to happen, but as I end the year I know I was wrong. 2015 was the year of learning…. and boy did I learn a lot! My year was not mundane, a lot of exciting things happen to me! Here is a list of some of the goals and accomplishments I crossed off in 2015.
