


2016— The Sweet 16….. how are we already here?! A part of me is ready and a part of me is not ready for time to keep moving on. What I am ready for is to get dolled up and sip champagne. To be honest I am not a fan of New Years Eve. I may have had one or two great evenings, one god-awful evening, and a bunch of “meh” ones. As much as I like the “idea” of NYE– the glitter, the champagne, the cocktail attire, all right up my alley– it still an evening that hasn’t always been the highlight of my year. Instead of heading to a huge party that cost way more than it should, I prefer to have an intimate party at a friend’s house with everyone I love—still dressed up and sipping on champagne of course 😉


‘Tis the season for lots of gatherings and a lot of parties! I love the holiday season for many reasons and one of them is the opportunity to make yummy hor d’oeuvres or side dishes. I enjoy cooking and baking all types of meals/food, but for some reason I LOVE to make hor d’oeuvres. I attended a few holiday parties last week and for two of them I made bacon wrapped goat cheese stuffed dates. I eat dates almost every day, I love cheese like it’s my first child, and bacon is a necessary ingredient to every meal, so it is only fitting that this simply to make hor d’oeuvre is my go-to to any party.





“But dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It’s hard work that makes thing happen. It’s hard work that creates change”

–Shonda Rhimes

Happy Friday! I can NOT believe Christmas is next week! Eeeek! Have you finished all of your holiday shopping? I have one present left to get, then it is wrapping time! I am definitely in the holiday mood– Wednesday night I had a mini get together with  a few members of my committee from the Athletic Club. We sipped wine, told stories, and ate a lot of cheese! Last night I attended the Athletic Club’s holiday party with my sister and brother-in-law. We put on our best cocktail attire and had a ball!
