
“I must change my life so that I can live it, not wait for it”

-Susan Sontag

Happy Friday! I am finally feeling better after being under the weather this past week. Luckily in time to enjoy the sunshine and warmth we have been having here in New York. (more…)

“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

-Matthew 21:22

Happy Friday and happy Easter weekend! It’s been a gloomy week here but I am still hoping for some sunshine this weekend. A chance to get out and about. To enjoy the city in the spring. I am starting to get cabin fever. (more…)

“The timing of your life will never let you down”

Happy Friday! I have to start off by saying how not only heartbroken, but angry I am about the shooting in Nashville. SOMETHING needs to be done. We can not continue to do this to our children, and do this to ourselves. Enough is enough. If you want to help– call your senator. I have already called both New York and Ohio senators, asking them to do something about gun control. You can also follow IG accounts like Everytown and March Fourth who provide information on gun laws, marches to protest, how you can help, donate, myths and facts, and to keep you up to date on everything. I have already messaged March Fourth about potential gatherings here in NYC. One isn’t currently on the schedule but keep a look out for it in the future. There will be one in DC in a few weeks! (more…)

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

-Albert Einstein

Happy Friday! I am back in New York after a wonderful week in Marco Island with my family. We had the most wonderful time; relaxing by the pool, dinners by the water, and celebrating my sister’s birthday. (more…)