Here is the truth, I love to work out! Yes you heard correctly. Exercise makes me happy! It inspires me to be a better person and leaves me feeling proud of what I just accomplished. I get up everyday excited for whatever workout is in store for the day. I think you get the picture now ; ) I truly believe being healthy makes you happy!
Since I love to move and sweat, I always try to encourage my friends and family to get fit. If you are only into stretching your limbs at yoga or lifting weights at crossfit or shaking your booty at zumba, as long as you are working to better yourself, better your body and mind, it does not matter just MOVE! For me, I need to switch up my workout routines, this way I do not get bored or feel stuck in a rut. Here are some of my favorite workout classes. Hopefully one will inspire you to get up off the couch and try something new.
Pure Barre, my home away from home. I grew up dancing so naturally Pure Barre was love at first sight. It’s a 55 minute full-body workout where you lift, tone and burn by using weights, a ball, a band, and of course the barre. The movements are small which may have you thinking “this will be easy!”, but believe me when I say your muscles will shake the ENTIRE TIME! Do not believe me– read
this hilarious article of a man who tried Pure Barre.

Last week was my very first
Barry’s Bootcamp class and boy was it a tough but good one ! It’s an hour long class where you split into two groups. One group starts on the treadmill while the other group is on the floor. You are at your designated station for about 15 minutes then you switch and then switch again (you do each station twice). On the treadmill you walk, jog, and sprint all on an incline. The floor section is different everyday targeting certain areas–my class was full-body. Barry’s is a great workout and I highly encourage trying it, especially if you want to get into shape. I did much better than I thought I would. The whole time I was thanking god I normally lift and run otherwise I would have died early. I left Barry’s feeling so proud of myself– and that my friends is a result of a fantastic workout!

Soul Cycle, I and love and you! My favorite workout by far! This is the one class I will harass you to take! It’s fun, it’s inspirational, it’s tough! It’s not your typical spin class, it’s your cool spin class. You ride to the beat of the song, do some fun workout dance moves, tap it back a bunch of times, and lift weights. Yep you lift weights while spinning! Not only is Soul Cycle a great workout it’s also very inspiring! The teachers are amazing and are always encouraging us to let things go, forgive and forget, love your body, and find your soul. I can’t say enough amazing things about Soul Cycle, it really has done so much for me physically, mentally and emotionally.

Yoga is necessary for me. My body and mind would not be the same without yoga. It calms, strengthens, challenges, and improves me. I highly suggest taking at least one yoga class a week. With all the lifting and running you do, you need to let your muscles breath and to keep them healthy by stretching. If you are discouraged by the yogi’s who contort themselves in ungodly positions that make you and I feel uncomfortable, I suggest practicing through this website You pick the duration, level, and type of class you want. I find it very beneficial if I do not have time to go to the gym. I can really feel it in my body if I have not taken a yoga class in a while. Yoga is like drinking water. You have to have it in order to function. If the other classes seem too extreme or not the right fit for you, yoga is always the answer!