
Happy Sunday! Another day of top 10 current wants. From spring fashion to workwear to floral prints and more, today’s Sunday Shopping is all about looking forward to a new season. (more…)

“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that’s the stuff life is made of.”

-Benjamin Franklin

Happy Friday! Love is in the air as Valentine’s Day is around the corner. I have to say I am disappointed in the lack of Valentine’s Day decorations I have seen in the city. I haven’t been all over Manhattan but the areas I have frolicked around, there does not seem to be that many. I am surprised to be honest, I expected more — especially out of West Village. (more…)

“You see in the world what you have in your heart”

-Johann Van Goethe

Happy Friday! I had an unexpected, wonderful week! This is what I love about New York, and life in general, anything can happen. (more…)

“A miracle is desire in the absence of resistance.”

-Abraham Hicks

Happy Friday! And happy Taylor Swift Lavender Haze music video release day to those of us who celebrate! I think the music video is well-done; feels very dreamy and mystical. I do not understand the floating fish, but I am sure Swifties on TikTok will investigate and break down the symbolism for me. I think lavender is going to become a big color trend now; lavender eye shadow, clothing, accessories, home decor, etc. (more…)