
“I think finding happiness within yourself is the only way to truly be free”


Happy Friday! It’s been a wonderful week celebrating my birthday with family and friends. Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes- I truly appreciate it!! (more…)

“Romanticize your life”


Happy Friday! It’s the start to my birthday festivities as my parents are heading into town for the weekend! My birthday is not until Wednesday, but I have never been one to shy away from numerous celebrations. (more…)

“Never go in search of love, go in search of life, and life will find you the love you seek”


Happy Friday! Like the rest of the world I am sadden to hear the news of Olivia Newton-John passing. And like the rest of the world I am a huge fan of Grease. I used to dream about playing Sandy on stage. Honestly, I just wanted to be Sandy in real life; she had great hair, the cutest outfits, and was genuinely sweet. Olivia Newton-John is a legend. A true talent with an amazing voice, a great dancer, and seemed to be a wonderful person to others. She will be missed. (more…)

“Life is a series of tiny miracles. Notice them.”


Happy Friday! Have you ever had a really great week, but nothing actually happened? That is currently me. I must have had some sort of serotonin boost because everything is making me happy. I’ve been dancing around my apartment, smiling at strangers, finding silver linings in situations, enjoying little things in life. Tune into next week’s episode when I want to scream on the subway… (more…)