


Back in March when I was packing to temporarily move to Columbus to wait out the COVID-19, I was in the mindset I would only be here for a month. I ignorantly (or just in denial) did not expect the virus to still be very much present. I did not expect to possibly spend my summer in Ohio. At the beginning of the year, I envision my summer spent in the Hamptons, frolicking around the city, and maybe a trip to Charleston. Clearly that is not happening….as of now.


“Jesus replied, ‘you do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand’ “

-John 13:7

Happy Friday! Life lately has been full of emotions. As I drive through Columbus to go to the grocery store or to Starbucks for my daily cup of matcha, I see more and more cars out and people walking the streets. Columbus, like the rest of the US, is slowly opening up. Indoor restaurants, bars, stores, and salons are open for business; calling for people to come out of quarantine and return to normalcy. It’s nice to see really. Although I am a firm believer that we need to continue to be cautious about where we go, the need to wear masks out in public, and having the fear of opening up too quickly, seeing people out and about does give hope after months of uncertainty. I can’t say that I will be one to jump right back to the way things were before the virus. I am scared of the what-ifs, to be honest.


One of the things I am missing the most about NYC is all of the fitness studios that I attend. Luckily I have been able to keep up with a few of them through online streaming, but it is not the same as physically being in class. As the weather gets warmer I am glad I am able to take my fitness routine outside in the sunshine. I have only run twice since being in Columbus, something I am looking forward to doing more as it gets warmer.


When it comes to skincare it can be hard to find the right products that work best for your face. I have spent years upon years trying to find products that would clear my acne, clear acne scarring, work well with combination skin, firm and calm skin, prevent wrinkles, and help detox the skin. I mean is that too much to ask for for my face? Anyway, I have spent many days crying when I would have a terrible breakout and nothing seemed to be working. The best thing I did for my skin was to completely stop using products altogether and only used soap and water. When I did that, my acne started to clear up. Also, as time went on, I started to learn more about my skin and what it needs. I have sensitive skin that can easily be irritated and cause breakouts. I have combination skin that leaves me dry in some areas and oily in others. And I learned that my face is usually puffy and I need to lymph drain regularly.  Eventually, I started to find the right skincare products that work for my face. What I look for in a product:

1) I try to only use products that are clean

2) I use products that are for sensitive skin

3) I want products that are not oily or heavy

4) Daytime products must have SPF

Here are the 4 skincare products I can not live without.
