What I would give to be on a beach right now. The sun shining down on me, warming my body. The sea smelling salty and fresh. Instead, I am here, in New York, freezing. When will I learn that I need to take a vacation this time of the year? If not for the Vitamin D, at least for all of the cute resort clothes that I am swooning over. If you are about to take a trip to a sunnier place, I have rounded up some great resort wear items. I have also created a resort shop on my blog that I will be updating as time goes on. And if you are going on vacation, please bring back the sun and warm weather with you. I’d really appreciate it!
Friday’s Simply Smitten
“a belief is only a thought I keep thinking”
-Abraham Hicks
Happy Friday! Over the past few weeks I have been feeling a little down and unmotivated, but now I have my groove back and am feeling happy and excited again! I am back to dancing around my apartment and jamming to music, feeling excited and motivated to post, happy about personal life situations, and actually wanting to workout. It’s good to be a slump and feel down sometimes, it makes you grateful for the moments when you are happy.
What I Read This Past Fall
It seems weird to be talking about the fall, but in reality, the season was only a month ago. The fall is one of the busiest times for blogging, so reading was put on the back burner of work, events, etc. I read much more during the lazy days of summer. But I did, however, read some books this past fall that have now become my favorite. Just like the summer book recap, I am going to give you a synopsis of the book then an honest review- so if you have not read the book yet, skip over the review.
Friday’s Simply Smitten
“God has a plan for you and it’s good. Don’t rush anything, in God’s perfect timing it will be.”
Happy Friday! We made it through the first real work week of the year, and boy was it tough to get back into the swing of things! I am, however, glad to be back in a routine, working on my blog again, and being out and about in New York.