
“I have learned that faith means trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse.”

-Philip Yancey

Happy Friday!! We are on the cusp of a great weekend with The Kentucky Derby, Cinco de Mayo, and The Met Gala all happening in the next few days. I am excited for all three occasions to occur and am looking forward to a fun weekend.


mothers day


Mother’s Day is slowing approaching and it’s time to start thinking of what to get the woman in our lives that have always loved and nurtured us. The older we get the more we appreciate what all our parents, especially our mothers, did and currently do for us. The self sacrifice, the unbreakable love, the teachable moments, she made it look easy. We now know as some of you are parents or aunts/uncles, it’s no easy feat. I have learned a lot from my mother not only as I was growing up, but even more now as an adult. When our parents had us they were young– 20s/30s- still trying to figure it out like we are now. When I truly think about it, color me impressed. How did they do it? How does anyone do it really? I hope that someday God will bless me with children of my own, and hope to be the type of mother that mine is to me. Until that day happens I will continue to be in awe of my mother, grandmother, and sister for being the amazing role models they are.  (more…)

butchers daughter

When it comes to health and wellness I am up for trying anything, at least once. From being a vegetarian to the Keto diet, I am still trying to figure out what works best for my body. As we get older our body changes. My food lifestyle, as I like to call it, needs to continuously evolve with the changes of my body. Unfortunately I have the type of body that can easily gain weight. I’ve never been one who can eat an entire pantry of food and not gain a pound. With this I know that I have to maintain a regular schedule of exercise and to eat a healthy diet. For the past year I have been indulging more than I have been eating clean, and it has really shown in how I feel and look. I know beautiful is not a number. I still wear a size 2 and I am sure most of my weight is muscle, but  two weeks ago when I went to the doctor for check up, I was shocked to see that I had gained weight since my last visit back in January. I was shocked because I was doing Intermittent Fasting for the past month and a half.


“don’t ever let other people decide who you are”

Happy Friday!! Even though it is raining outside right now these past fews have been the perfect weather, putting me in the best mood. Then to top it all off Taylor Swift released her new song and video ME! today and that just makes me so very happy!! From what I can tell from her Instagram and current image change, this new album is going to be about how in love and happy she is, dreamy eyed and hearts in the sky. I am excited for the new album but I am going to miss angry Taylor…… I love angry Taylor. You may have seen my Instagram Stories where I set an alarm for midnight last night so I can get up and listen/watch the video. Do I need a life? I was excited for it!  Anyway, Taylor always creates albums that really parallel with what is going on in my life. Her 1989 album about Harry– being in a relationship that keeps going back and forth where she ends up completely heartbroken, but ultimately finds herself in the end. GIRL did you read my diary?! Then she came out with Reputation where she basically said a screw you to everyone who has hurt her, didn’t support her, talked about her behind her back, to the people who were toxic for her and just said goodbye, moving on, I am strong. AND that is exactly how I felt at that time. I am curious to see if this new album coincides with what is going on with my life. Only time can tell.
