Handbag trends are something that I usually do not pay attention to. Of course there are some trends that I love like the circle bags or the famous ark bag, but for the most part my handbags are classic. This season I started to see a ton of different handbag styles pop up on my instagram, so I decided to search top trends of the fall. Some trends I can do without, like the faux fur, pouch, and saddle bags. Some trends I do like, for instance chain straps, logos, micro bags, pyramid bags, and belt bags. And then a few that caught my eye; box bags, bucket bags, and croc bags. They are nothing new, but more polished, intriguing, and timeless. (more…)
Paisley Skirt for New York Fashion Week
lace top // paisley skirt // sandal pumps (similar) // circle bag // round sunglasses
Next week is the beginning of New York Fashion Week and I am ready to take on as much fashion inspiration and craziness! I have shows lined up (still waiting on a few more) and can’t wait to see all of the beautiful clothing walking down the runaway. One of the outfits I plan to wear is this paisley skirt from Tibi. Paisley isn’t always a print I gravitate towards. It can be a hit or miss depending on color. This skirt, however, I immediately fell in love with this coloring. I love the bright colors of the design but the green makes it a fall skirt. Not only is this fashionable for NYFW, it is perfect to wear during the fall season.
Friday’s Simply Smitten
“maybe true happiness is when we are happy with ourselves”
Happy Friday!! It is a special day here on B&B as today is my birthday! Another year older, another year wiser, and another year still feeling good! My birthday celebration started last night with a few friends of mine with drinks at Bar Hugo. The weather was amazing, the sunset was beautiful, and I had the best time with my friends. Today my parents fly into town for the weekend to celebrate. We have plans to go to the Polo Bar for dinner, see Carousel the musical, shop till my dad gets bored, and just see where life takes us. I am happy to spend the weekend with my parents and to celebrate my birthday with them. Like I said on yesterday’s post, I kept forgetting about my birthday as I have a million things to do with NFYW coming up and starting a new job. My birthday was sadly on the back burner. Now that it is here I am excited about celebrating and glad to spend time with my family and friends.
My Birthday Wishlist
My birthday is tomorrow! To be honest my birthday this year has been a little weird. Normally I am on top of things like creating a birthday list, planning my outfits to wear during celebrations, planning a celebration. I love to make a whole week of celebrating with a special dinner, drinks with friends, pampering myself, buying myself a gift. This year, however, I keep forgetting about my birthday. I also had a hard time coming up with things that I wanted. I guess this is when you know you are an adult, when you don’t really need gifts because everything you want you can just buy yourself. Also my parents would much rather throw me off of a bridge than buy me the Givenchy antigona satchel bag that I want. Anyway, the things I do truly would like to have and experience are to travel, move to a new apartment, get a dog, etc; that I do not think the birthday gods will grant as a gift.