Friday’s Simply Smitten

"I feel so intensely the delights of shutting oneself up in a little world of one's own,

with pictures and music and everything beautiful."

-Virginia Woolf

Happy Friday and happy Beyoncé Renaissance day! I've been listening to the album and …

LAKE Pajama Summer Sale

LAKE Pajamas is having a surprise summer sale starting today until Thursday 11:59pm est. I love LAKE pajamas! I have a few pairs of both short-sleeved and long-sleeved sets, and they are the most comfortable pajamas. I also own …

Friday’s Simply Smitten

"Every experience has its element of magic"

-Hermann Hesse

Happy Friday!! Holy heatwave New York! I have my AC and my fan going, trying to cool off from the heat. The older I get the less desirable it is to …

What Books I Read This Past Spring Part 2

As we now move onto part 2 of what books I read this past spring season, it was relatively hard to figure out a theme. They are all so vastly different. Yet the more I pondered the stories, the more …