Friday’s Simply Smitten

"Do not lose hope. Please believe that there are a thousand beautiful things waiting for you."

-R.M. Drake


Happy Friday! We went from hurricane to heatwave here in New York City. I am waiting patiently for the cool, crisp …

Back To Work

suit - old (similar) // headband


As the world slowly but surely reopens, many of you are heading back into the office. Whether it's for a few days a week or permanently back, you may want to …

The Tennis Shop

This time next week I will be sitting court side in the Arthur Ashe stadium watching the first round of the US Open. It's still TBD who will be playing; whether it's men's or women's singles. Although I am hoping …

Friday’s Simply Smitten

"Bring love wherever you go. Shine light wherever it's dark.

Leave blessings wherever you've been. Be kind wherever you are."

-Mary Davis

Happy Friday! It's the start of my birthday celebration! My birthday is on Tuesday, but I will be …