Holiday Gift Guide: Fitness


A lot has changed this year, one being our fitness routine. We've had to create makeshift gyms and exercise studios in our tiny apartments or basements. While our beloved studios closed, we signed up to take their at-home workouts. …

Shop Small Business Saturday

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2020 has affected us all in different ways. Unfortunately for small businesses, this means struggling through lockdowns and financial hardships. A weekend filled with big department sales, please do not forget the small shops. Some of my favorite …

Friday’s Simply Smitten

"Reflect each day on all you have to be grateful for

and you will receive more to be grateful for"


Happy Friday! Whether you were with friends, family, or alone, I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating Thanksgiving …

The Best Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales


As if you needed another excuse to shop, today is Black Friday followed by Cyber Monday where most brands have the best sales. This is a great time to shop for gifts to give to your loved ones for …