Blooming Into Spring
dress // nude heels // circle bag // sunglasses
We had a taste of spring the other day here in New York with 70-degree weather. It felt like heaven walking around with the sun on my face and warmth on …
dress // nude heels // circle bag // sunglasses
We had a taste of spring the other day here in New York with 70-degree weather. It felt like heaven walking around with the sun on my face and warmth on …
dress- sold out (mini-dress version) // nude heels
For as long as I can remember I have had a running bucket list of things I want to do and achieve in life. I have one for life in …
"Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
Happy Friday! I wish I had a lot to update you from this past …
dress // scrunchie c/o // pink chair
Do you have items in your closet that you can not live without? Items that you religiously wear every day and never grow tired of. I am always sharing what to wear to …