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“Think to yourself: I’m just here to create”

-Rick Rubin

Happy Friday! Surprise I am still in New York. This past Monday I was supposed to be heading home to Ohio, but something came up that delayed my travels. In all honesty, I am glad to have had another week. I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to New York, even if it is only for a few months. (more…)

“Once we stop craving for things to happen in a certain way.

we start transcending our attachments and stop creating resistance,

which allows everything to flow our way with more ease.”


Happy Friday! I realized the other day that we pretty much only have a month and a half left of 2020! I don’t know about you, but I am ready for this year to be over with. Sure, 2021 doesn’t look promising. We will still be dealing with the pandemic, but knowing that time is moving forward and we are hopefully a step closer to getting out is enough to make me optimistic about a new year. I have faith that things will get better soon. (more…)

holiday decor

The holidays are here and I have been browsing for new Christmas decor. I know everyone says to wait until after Thanksgiving to start decorating, but it doesn’t mean I can’t shop for Christmas. In fact, I caved and currently have both Thanksgiving and Christmas decor out on display in my apartment. Not all of it, but a few pieces at least. It’s 2020, there are no rules. I sadly will not be in my apartment during the holidays as I am planning on heading back to Ohio for the remainder of the year. I wish I was here so I can pull out the rest of my decor and enjoy the merriment of it all. Here are a few items I would purchase if I was staying in town for the holiday. (more…)

“There is a place in your heart where you believe.

Make this your home.”

-Morgan Love

Happy Friday!! It’s been a rough, emotional week so I am glad it’s finally the weekend. I am feeling much better than I was at the beginning of the week, but still, have a lot on my mind and the weight of current affairs is affecting me. Hopefully I can destress and relax a little this weekend. (more…)