Everything I Read in January

Surprise! I am already back with another book review post. I decided to switch things up a little and post month to month what books I have read. I am doing this for a few reasons; the first being it's …

Pop of Blue

coat c/o // turtleneck- old (similar) // jeans // boots // handbag c/o // sunglasses // earrings

While it may be dreary outside, our outfits do not have to be. You can wear color in the winter time. …

Sunday Shopping

Happy Sunday! There may be snow on the ground but I am thinking about cherry blossom trees. Yes, I am already counting down the days until the sun comes out and my coat comes off. This week's Sunday Shopping top …

Friday’s Simply Smitten

"I celebrate myself, and sing myself, I exist as I am, that is enough."

-Walt Whitman

Happy Friday! TGIF! I kept thinking it was Friday since Wednesday, so happy to finally be here. Anyway, this past week was filled with …