Friday’s Simply Smitten

"She blossomed in the tiny moments when she could feel her spirit reaching for the sun."

-Mark Anthony

Happy Friday! This past week was all about enjoying the things that make me happy. From fashion to dancing to books to …

Mother’s Day Gifts

It's the time of the year when we get to celebrate the woman who gave us everything and did everything for us. Mother's Day is next week and I can't think of a more deserving person to celebrate. I unfortunately …

Straw Clutches Under $200

straw clutch

Heading into the spring season I wanted to change up my bag wear. Not only add more straw handbags, but ones with color. Something that will pop with any outfit. When I spotted this blue straw clutch, …

Sunday Shopping

Happy Sunday! It's been a rainy and gloomy all weekend here in NYC. I am ready for some sunshine! This week's Sunday Shopping top 10 must-haves are all about summer living. (more…)