This post may contain affiliated links, which means if you purchase an item I will earn commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you!

By now you have seen it all over your favorite bloggers Instagram account and are curious as to what exactly is LIKEtoKNOW:It. For all the times you have looked at a picture and wondered where she/he bought a certain clothing item, well here is your chance to find out! LIKEtoKNOW:It is an amazing, simple service that allows you to shop my Instagram pictures. All you have to do is sign up here, then follow me on Instagram and “like” my pictures that have the link. Then check your inbox for an email (the only emails you will receive are the images you like/follow), that contain the links to the products. It is that simple and fabulous! If you have any questions on the feature, please leave a comment and I will happily answer them for you! 
Have a wonderful day!
Side note: My domain/website is now