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“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”

1)  Is it weird I am jealous of a plastic doll?

2) 73 Things You Didn’t Know About Anna Wintour, Straight From Anna Wintour

3) Want to know what is in my closet?

4) Read this encouraging and inspiring interview of Carly from College Prepster by bSmart Guide.

5) The perfect clutch in the perfect fall color.

6) Fall just got a little better with this yummy dessert.

7) Lusting over these bags!

8) Have these. Love them. Can’t wait to start wearing them again!

9) I am in need of a vacation….

10) “I didn’t know always know what I wanted to do, but I knew the kind of woman I wanted to be.” Can NOT wait for this show to premiere this November! 

11) At home workouts from SOS! Now I can skip Gretchen’s class, just kidding….