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I am leaving today for New York City for a week for my final farewell tour, also known as finally closing my apartment and moving my stuff to Columbus. It really is a bittersweet feeling, leaving New York. It was the best thing that has ever happen to me. This was the hardest decision I have ever made. 
As I look back on all of the incredible things I got to experience and the wonderful people I met, I feel overwhelmingly grateful for it all. I got to go backstage at New York Fashion Week, partied with Prince at a Gala event, joined the New York Junior League, had tea-time at The Plaza, sipped cocktails on the rooftop of the MET Museum during the Young Members Party, spent many nights watching the American Ballet Theatre perform at the MET Opera House, had glitter splattered on me from a guy dressed up like a skeleton while dancing the night away at Hotel Chantelle, worked for two of my dream companies, and so much, much, much more. The best part, however, were my friends. All so different yet all so special. I feel blessed to have met some of the most amazing, talented, successful, inspiring, kind, and funny people ever in my life. They all made me a better person. 
New York changed me in the best way possible because it forced me to be me and it taught me how to love. And I have a deep love for the city and for the person I became because I lived there. It would be a dream to live there again someday, but for now I must go in another direction.
I love you New York and I always will.