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Went on a run, was rewarded a bottle of wine… running isn’t so bad. 

Remember when I turned 21 again 29 and I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish before I turned 30? Well I can happily say I can start crossing things off my list! Last weekend I ran in my first race in Run Like A Girl. It was only a 5K, and before all of you marathon runners start rolling your eyes, running a 5K is a big accomplishment to me. As I have said before, running is my weakest link when it comes to exercise. I enjoy it, sometimes, but running a mile maybe two only happened on a good day. I thought running was boring and would much rather get my cardio from Soul Cycle–I mean a party on a bike? Much better choice!

There has been plenty of times when I tried to sign up for a race but chickened out at the last minute. It must have been deep in my subconscious because I went through a phase in my life where I would have one too many glasses, ok bottles, of Prosecco and end up signing up for a race- only to remember when I received the “race day is tomorrow!” email. But this isn’t about my drunk escapades…

Although my distaste for running was pretty apparent, I still wanted to push myself to do this. Before I took the plunge  I needed to test the waters. I threw on my head phones, tied my shoe laces, and went for a run. A 2 and a half mile run I would like to go ahead and brag about. Mind over matter is what it takes I learned. After my first run was close enough to the actual mile of the race, I got all cocky(er) and knew I could do it.

The race was fun and I finished only 9 mins after the first person to cross the finish line. I was pretty proud of myself of sticking to it and finishing on a high note! Now I enjoy running, still not my favorite, but it is something I will no longer have anxiety about. I want to do another race and work my way to a 10k. My goal is not to run the Boston marathon or become a Nike running model–well I mean if they asked me to be one I wouldn’t say no. My goal was to overcome my negative feelings towards running and accomplish something I never thought I could actually do.

Now onto crossing more off my list…

I did read one book (1/20), not much to brag about except that I can read!

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