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The holidays are at our fingertips and the next few months will be filled with over indulging in sweets and yummy food. I.CAN.NOT.WAIT! This year, however,  I want to incorporate healthy side dishes, keeping with my paleo lifestyle. But lets get real here, it will all go out the door the second someone waves a no-bake cookie in front of me. That cookie has no chance of survival! Anyway, back to being healthy. My favorite thing to make for dinner as a side dish is brussels sprouts with bacon.  I am not sure when this started, but I feel like I have really grown up and am now a real adult when I say I love brussels sprouts–sprinkle bacon over it and you have me in a happy food coma. I have a recipe that I use that is healthy and so easy to do. Prep time takes less than 5 minutes and baking takes about half an hour. 
Brussels Sprouts With Bacon
First pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees. 
Clean and slice the brussels sprouts and place them on a baking pan. Make sure to spray the pan first with olive oil.
After placing them on the pan, sprinkle sea salt and pepper all over them. If you prefer only having pepper or just sea salt that is fine. Sprinkle to your liking. I like to go wild and cover them like it’s nobody’s business. 

Put them in the oven to bake for 25-35 minutes.  When done, take them out and place on a safe surface. I wait until after they are out of the oven to sprinkle the bacon bits. mmmmm bacon!
And you are done and ready to serve! I told you it was easy 🙂