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I was tagged by Amanda, the girl behind the amazing blog Girl About Columbus, to participate in a I ❤︎ Fall Tag. Fall in Ohio is unlike any other!  Living in New York the beauty of fall foliage gets lost on you, unless you travel to Central Park. I feel like I have now rediscovered a new love and appreciation for this season, so I am happy to answer questions about it!
1) Favorite fall lip product?
For lip balm I am constantly carrying around eos. In fact I can honestly say I am addicted to it and will freak out if I do not have it with me. Chapped lips are the worst!  If you haven’t tried out this product, I highly suggest you do so. Not only does it moisturize my lips, but it does not give me a greasy feel. My favorite flavors are Pomegranate Raspberry, Strawberry Sorbet, and Summer Fruit. 
As for lipstick, I am not one to always walk out of the house with a painted pout, that is why I love wearing BOY from Chanel. It gives me a little shimmer and color but not a drastic look. I usually go for a nude or rosey-pink shade when choosing a new one.
2) Favorite fall nail polish?
 I am all about shades of red! Since I paint my own nails to save money, I am constantly putting on fresh new coats every 3 days. Right now I am loving Big Apple Red from O.P.I. As it gets colder I will go for a deeper red like O.P.I Malaga Wine. Red nails reminds me of old glamour. I think they are so chic and adds a little extra color to your outfit. 
3) Favorite Starbucks fall drink?
I am not a fan of coffee, at all, so no Pumpkin Spice Latte for me! I do think their hot chocolate is very yummy though. I usually ask them to put caramel in it for an extra flavor. A nice treat to have every once in a while when you are shopping. But mostly I am that person who quickly pops into Starbucks to buy a banana and annoy the rest of the people in line who want actual coffee. Not sorry. 
4) Favorite fall candle?
Last year my mom bought me the pine scent from diptyque and fell in love with it immediately! It made my entire apartment smell like a christmas tree.  After I burn through it, I want to get Wood Sage and Seat Salt from Jo Malone London.
5) Favorite fall accessory?
Scarves! I am not a fan of layering so scarves are a great alternative. Whether it is silk or cotton, I think they add the perfect touch to complete an outfit. Plus they are so cozy and if big enough, I love to wrap myself in them if I am too cold–which is always. I am obsessed with Nordstrom’s Tissue Weight Wool & Cashmere Wrap and have it in 3 different colors– so far. J.Crew is also my go-to place for scarves as they are always so stylish. I currently have my eye on the Italian Brushed Scarf, looks so dreamy and warm. 
6) Haunted house or haunted hayride?
Not really into being scared, so I guess neither. At a haunted hayride you are somewhat distant from the activity, but at a haunted house you can run…. hmmm, yeah still neither.  I wouldn’t necessarily say no if I was invited, but would have major anxiety the entire time. Growing up my dad use to be the Freddy Krueger at our local “kid-friendly” haunted house, I knew it was him, and I would still cry hysterically. So no, I do not like to be scared. 
7) Favorite Halloween movie?
There is no comparison, Hocus Pocus. I mean Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker together in the same movie is enough for me to love it! It is hilarious, yet a little scary and has the best quotes. I can’t be the only one who yells “boooooook!” when wanting to read. 
8) Favorite candy to eat on Halloween?
I have the biggest sweet tooth, so anything chocolate I will eat and enjoy very much! My favorites are M&M’s and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Yummm I want some now!
9) What is your favorite thing about fall?
It has to be the changing of the leaves, so gorgeous. Also being cozy and warm wrapped up in a blanket while drinking tea. And of course the clothing! 
Now I would like to tag Olivia from Baubles To Bubbles, Sarah from Stylish Sassy and Classy, and Mrs. Ladylike to hear your fall favorites!