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“Sometimes I think Dana isn’t listening to me”
Last weeks Friday’s Simply Smitten post I talked about how excited I was to start listening to the new podcast series called Serial. Well I listened to all 9 episodes, each lasting about 30-40 minutes, this past weekend and I am COMPLETELY HOOKED. It is all I can think about right now and I do not know how I am going to be able to wait 2 whole weeks for the 10th episode. If you are unfamiliar with the podcast and feel like you are behind the times, well you are…..only kidding, it just debuted this past October. Serial is a story that is told through an investigation by the narrator, Sarah Koenig. Each season will be a different story that is unfolded. This season, season 1, is the true murder case of a high school girl named Hae Min Lee that took place in Baltimore in 1999. Her ex-boyfriend Adnan Syed has been in jail since he was convicted of the murder when he was 17 years old. 
The story is probably the craziest, most confusing, frustrating and exciting thing I have ever heard. I do not want to give too much away, so I will not talk about the case because it is SO worth listening to! 
Do anyone of you listen to Serial? If so PLEASE message me, I am dying to talk to someone about it. If you haven’t had the pleasure of listening to it yet, stop what you are doing right now and go listen to it!!