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My lovely sister got married over this past weekend! I couldn’t be happier to have stand right next to my best friend as she ties the knot. The entire weekend was a blast! I am still high in spirits from the weekend and can’t stop laughing about some hilarious moments. Not only was the wedding so much fun, it was really beautiful and the food was OH.MY.GOD amazing! Planning a wedding is no walk in the park, but my mom and sister did a wonderful job! Here are some highlights from the weekend.
My sister and I on the party bus heading to the church!
Champagne is always a good idea!
How cute is this sign that my aunt’s made for my sister and her husband!
Best chicken I have ever tasted– honestly! The hors d’oeurves and cupcakes were so so so yummy as well! 
Her flowers were beautiful!
She gave all of us bridesmaids a bracelet and a pair of earrings from Kate Spade! I will definitely be wearing these a lot!
Our dresses were so darling! Each one of us picked out a different style.