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I am excited to announce ClassPass has arrived in Columbus, Ohio!  If you love to try new workouts or if you made a New Years resolution to start living a healthier lifestyle (I know I did!), you will love using ClassPass. Pay each month a $79-$99 fee and enjoy all different types of workouts at different fitness studios around the city. You can go to unlimited number of classes but only to one studio 3 times per month. It is a great way to not get stuck in a rut with only one form of exercise routine and get more out of a diverse mix of workouts than a regular gym membership. The best part is you can enjoy ClassPass in different cities nationwide like New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, San Francisco, Chicago and much more! So if you are a traveler, you never have to put a pause on your workout routine. Thank goodness!
When ClassPass approached me to try out their services I immediately jumped at the chance to explore new fitness programs.  I wanted to learn new skills, and I wanted to throw myself into programs that I have never done before and probably wouldn’t have tried. I decided to try Crossfit and TRX. 
 I like to call this, the day I learned how to decipher Bob Harper’s Insta pics and became his spirit animal.
To my surprise I enjoyed the class more than I thought I would! Going into it I was a little nervous because I knew it was more of a “manly workout” than I was used to, and I have heard lots of stories about people getting serious injuries from doing it. My verdict: It is definitely not a walk in the park, but it was not as impossible as I originally thought.  It helped that I lift weights normally, so I was use to putting intense pressure on my muscles.  Well I accidentally made the mistake and signed up for a regular WOD (workout of the day) class instead of a beginners program…. oops! One of the girls in my class placed 3rd in her division at the Crossfit Games this past summer… so you can imagine how similar in strength we were–like twins. Anyway, everyone was very nice and helpful in teaching me the proper techniques. I saw the sense of “community” everyone talks about that surrounds Crossfit. I learned how to do a snatch, the proper form of lifting, and how to climb ropes. Although I was not lifting as massive of weights as the rest of the class, I was doing more than I thought I would be able to do. Will I go back? Sure. Will I become a Crossfit junkie? No. Although I can see how people love it–it is really empowering– Crossfit isn’t the type of workout that will benefit my body. I will, however, be cheering on my new friends as they head to the Crossfit Games this coming summer, while I sit comfortable on my couch 😉
It’s like the time your gym teacher takes you outside to the playground to “play”, when in reality he makes you do chin ups while timing you.
First, for those of you who do not know what TRX is, it is total-body suspension training. Working all muscles groups at once, this workout helps enhance your balance, strength, flexibility and core strengthening. The class I took was a 40 minute spinning, 20 minute TRX class. I was a little familiar with TRX before doing the class through personal training sessions, but had never taken a class focused primarily on it. I did enjoy having the cardio portion first, fatiguing the muscles before doing the the strength training. However, I have signed up for a full power hour class because I want to focus on the strength training portion more than the cardio. As a total-body workout, I felt it mostly in my core, which is nice since some exercise routines the core section can be rushed through or not really touched upon. A few more TRX classes and I will have that 6 pack in no time…..
For my next adventure I am looking into doing Hot Box. I am not exactly sure what type of a workout it is, but I do know it is a form of strength training done in a 90 degree room. I am not completely convinced I am going to make it out alive… Anyway, I have also been trying new yoga studios because part of my 2015 goals is to get certified in teaching yoga. Hopefully once I become namaste, I will be able teach at least once or twice a week somewhere. 
ClassPass has been a great contribution to my 2015 healthy lifestyle goals. It has kept me motivated during the bitter cold by having something new to look forward to trying and learning. Click here to learn more about ClassPass and to sign up!