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Over the past month I have picked up a few projects, joined two new committee’s, started nutrition school, and am continuing to try and keep up with this rapidly growing blog of mine.  Needless to say I am a busy bee these days! Currently I work on either my couch or bed with my laptop placed on my lap, which isn’t the most idle space to really concentrate, and not the best position for my posture. Now that I have more on my plate, I am dreaming of a much bigger, more efficient and pretty, space to make magic and study my little tush off. What I need is a new desk (desperately), a comfy-cute chair, wouldn’t mind a cabinet, a vision board is obviously a must…. ok I need an entire office to myself. I have few space and decor inspiration ideas that I have been gathering on my Pinterest board. I think the space where you work everyday should be a place of comfort and beauty.  I log in A LOT of hours blogging and working on school stuff, so I need my space to reflect who I am, who I want to be, and who I am becoming. I need a space that will continue to inspire and motivate me. If you are not in love with your office space, you will never want to be in there working. 
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