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The snow is falling, my skin is casper white, and I am dreaming of a beach vacation. What I would give to be laying-out with the sun on my skin and a drink in my hand right now. As I dream of this need-to-be-planned-very-soon vacation and becoming a bronzed goddess, I am starting to make a “what to pack” list.  A sunshine vaca isn’t a real vaca without a new bikini ,  cover-up, and Jack Rogers. Every summer I use COOLA Sunscreen, a natural organic cream that has a light feel on my skin and does not cause break-outs. Besides not moving from my beach towel for hours, my “to-do” list entails lots of relaxing and reading on my iPad. And in case some handsome man ask me to join him on his boat (hey, it could happen!), the ultimate nautical look with this striped tee, Panama hat, and shorts
What items are your must haves for beach vacations? 
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